Price review for the Serbia territory

Zona 1A/1BZona2Zona 3Zona 4Zona 5Zona 6
Call price (KM/min)Call price (KM/min)0.280.432.132.243.955.26
Mobile Internet(KM/MB)Mobile Internet(KM/MB)0.46
Incoming calls (KM/min)Incoming calls (KM/min)0.12

Tariff interval for outgoing calls towards the Zone 1A, 1B and 2 is 30+1 seconds. Tariff interval for outgoing calls towards other Zones is set to 60+60 seconds. Billing interval for incoming calls is set to 1+1 second. Billing interval for Mobile Internet is 1KB+1KB. The price of data transfer per billing interval (i.e. 1 KB) is 0.000449219 KM, with VAT included.

List of countries per Zone

Price review for the Montenegro territory

Zona 1A/1BZona 2Zona 3Zona 4Zona 5 Zona 6
Call price (KM/min)Call price (KM/min)0.280.431.321.653.295.26
Mobile Internet(KM/MB)Mobile Internet(KM/MB)0.46
Incoming calls (KM/min)Incoming calls (KM/min)0.12

Tariff interval for outgoing calls towards the Zone 1A, 1B and 2 is 30+1 seconds. Tariff interval for outgoing calls towards other Zones is set to 60+60 seconds. Billing interval for incoming calls is set to 1+1 second. Billing interval for Mobile Internet is 1KB+1KB. The price of data transfer per billing interval (i.e. 1 KB) is 0.000449219 KM, with VAT included.

List of countries per Zone

When a user is in all networks outside Telekom Srbija group:

Zona 0Zona 1Zona 2Zona 3Zona 4
Networks in BiH (KM/min)Networks in BiH (KM/min)0.431.642.573.515.85
Local calls (KM/min)Local calls(KM/min)0.431.642.342.342.34
International - Zone 0 (KM/min)International - Zone 0(KM/min)0.432.934.104.687.02
International - other zones(KM/min)International - other zones (KM/min)4.102.934.104.687.02
SMS (KM/SMS)SMS (KM/SMS)0.140.590.590.700.70
Incoming calls (KM/min)Incoming calls (KM/min)0.110.701.171.762.11
Mobile Internet (KM/MB)Mobile Internet (KM/MB)0.465.8525.7425.7425.74
Mobile Internet (KM/10KB)Mobile Internet (KM/10KB)0.0040.

The prices are given with VAT included. Tariff interval for outgoing calls from the Zone 0, for postpaid mobile customers, towards BiH networks, for local calls and international calls towards Zone 0, is 30+1 seconds. Tariff interval for incoming calls into Zone 0 is 1+1 second, and for the other zones, it is 60+60. Billing interval for Mobile Internet in the Zone 0 is 1KB+1KB, and in the other Zones it is 10KB+10KB.

The prices do not apply to traffic realized by means of satellite, maritime and in-flight networks and to traffic towards the numbers in the Premium Rate services and other VAT services. This kind of traffic is charged at the prices of the operator in whose network the traffic is realized, increased for 15%, on the basis of the inter-carrier settlement costs.

For more detailed information, please call m:tel customer care operators, free of charge, at the number 0800 50 000, available 24/7.

Spisak zemalja po zonama

My Roaming (Moja roaming) tariff

My Roaming tariff is purposed for all users of the postpaid “Pretplata“ (Subscription) tariff models, who need to talk, send SMS messages and use the Internet in roaming, with significant discounts of 20%, 30% and 50%.

Zona 1Zona 2Zona 3a
Calls towards networks in BiH (KM/min)Calls towards networks in BiH (KM/min)1.402.222.93
Local calls (KM/min)Local calls (KM/min)1.401.991.76
International calls (KM/min)International calls (KM/min)2.693.744.10
SMS (KM/poruka)SMS (KM/poruka)0.410.470.59
Incoming calls (KM/min)Incoming calls (KM/min)0.470.701.29
Mobile Internet (KM/MB)Mobile Internet (KM/MB)2.9212.8712.87
Mobile Internet (KM/10KB)Mobile Internet (KM/10KB)0.02850.12570.1257

The prices are given with VAT included. Tariff interval is set to 60/60. Billing interval for Mobile Internet is 10KB+10KB.

List of countries per Zone

When a user is in the Telekom Srbija Group networks (m:ts)

Zone 1AZone 1A0,43
Zone 1BZone 1B0,43
Zone 2Zone 20,43
Zone 3Zone 32,23
Zone 4Zone 42,33
Zone 5Zone 54,12
Zone 6Zone 65,50
Incoming callKM/min)Incoming call (KM/min)0,12
Mobile Internet (KM/MB)Mobile Internet (KM/MB)0,46

Tariff interval for outgoing calls into the zone 1A, 1B and 2 is 30+1 seconds, and for the other outgoing calls it is 60+60 seconds. Incoming call price for prepaid users is 0.16 KM/min.Tariff interval for incoming calls is 1+1 second.

Billing interval for GPRS is 1KB+1KB, and the price for data transfer per billing interval is 0.000449219 KM. All prices are given with VAT included.

When a user is in the Telekom Srbija Group networks (m:tel Crna Gora)

Zone 1AZone 1A0,43
Zone 1BZone 1B0,43
Zone 2Zone 20,43
Zone 3Zone 32,23
Zone 4Zone 42,33
Zone 5Zone 54,12
Zone 6Zone 65,50
Incoming call (KM/min)Incoming call (KM/min)0,12
Mobile Internet(KM/MB)Mobile Internet(KM/MB)0,46

Tariff interval for outgoing calls into the zone 1A, 1B and 2 is 30+1 seconds, and for the other outgoing calls it is 60+60 seconds. Incoming call price for prepaid users is 0.16 KM/min.Tariff interval for incoming calls is 1+1 second.

Billing interval for GPRS is 1KB+1KB, and the price for data transfer per billing interval is 0.000449219 KM. All prices are given with VAT included.

When a user is in all networks outside Telekom Srbija Group:

Kada pozivateZona 0Zona 1Zona 2Zona 3Zona 4
Networks in BiH (KM/Min)Networks in BiH (KM/Min)0,431,992,934,106,79
Zone 0 (KM/Min)Zone 0 (KM/Min)0,432,694,685,388,07
Local calls (KM/Min)Local calls  (KM/Min)0,432,694,685,388,07
International calls (KM/min)International calls (KM/min)4,682,694,685,388,07
SMS (KM/SMS)SMS (KM/SMS)0,140,700,700,820,82
Incoming call (KM/min)Incoming call  (KM/min)0,110,821,402,052,46
Mobile Internet(KM/MB)Mobile Internet (KM/MB)0,466,4428,0828,0828,08
Mobile InternetMobile Internet0,0040,060,270,270,27

Tariff interval for outgoing calls towards the Zone 1A, 1B and 2 is 30+1 seconds.Tariff interval for outgoing calls is set to 60+60 seconds.Incoming call price for prepaid users is 0.16 KM/min. Billing interval for incoming calls is 1+1 second.

Billing interval for Mobile Internet is 1KB+1KB and the price of data transfer is 0.000449219 KM. All prices are given with VAT included.

For more detailed information, please call m:tel customer care operators, free of charge, at the number 0800 50 000, available 24/7.

Advice to the users:

Carefully use the Internet while you are in roaming!

Before traveling across the borders of our country, be sure to check the prices of the Internet traffic in roaming that apply in the country of your final destination, but also, in the countries you will be traveling through. This is necessary, because the prices of the traffic in roaming significantly differ from the prices in the national traffic.

Let us remind you that the Internet surfing (watching videos or downloading data) by means of mobile telephone, while you are abroad, is also charged as the roaming traffic. Prior to commencing your journey, it would be good to check whether an automatic update is on for certain software you have on your mobile phone.